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Photograph: John Clark


Agent: Kevin Brady

Training: Bristol Old Vic Theatre School

Eye Colour: Brown

Height: 5ft 10in

Play showreel
The Crow Girl (Paramount+)


All My Sons (Chris) Queens Theatre Douglas Rintoul

Best Actor at the 'Offies' 2023

Prism (Mason/Bogart/Miller) Birmingham Rep & Tour Terry Johnson

The Hired Man (John) Queens Theatre Douglas Rintoul

Insignificance (The Ball Player) Arcola Theatre David Mercateli

Echo's End (Kiwi) Salisbury Playhouse Alice Hamilton

A Further Education (Chris) Hampstead Theatre Caitlin McLeod

Seminar (Douglas) Hampstead Theatre Terry Johnson

We Have Fallen (Richard) Edinburgh Festival (Underbelly) Jacqui Honess-Martin

Inherit the Wind (E K Hornbeck) New Vic Peter Leslie Wild

Oh What a Lovely War (Various) Theatre Royal Stratford East Terry Johnson

Friday Night Sex (Johann) Royal Court Alecky Blythe

Titanic (Edgar Beane) Southwark Playhouse Thom Southerland

No Wit like a Womans (Read not Dead) (Peccadill) Shakespeare's Globe Jason Morell

Wind in the Willows (Ratty) Birmingham Rep Gwenda Hughes

The Only True History of Lizzie Finn (Lord Castlemaine) Jagged Fence/Southwark Playhouse Blanche McIntyre

As You Like It (Duke Frederick) Jagged Fence Poppy Morgan-Burton

Where Have I Been All My Life (Brian) The New Vic Alecky Blythe/Theresa Heskins

Far From The Madding Crowd (Francis Troy) The New Vic Theresa Heskins

Spring and Port Wine (Wilfred Crompton) The New Vic Gwenda Hughes

The Rivals (Captain Jack Absolute) The New Vic Theresa Heskins

The Admirable Critchton (Ernest Wooley) The New Vic Theresa Heskins

Mamma Mia (Sky) West End Phillida Lloyd/Paul Garrington

Through the Door (Jean Pierre) Trafalgar Studios John Brant

Auricular Season 3 (He) Auricular/Theatre 503 Jaquie Honess-Martin/Faith Collingwood

Macbeth (Malcolm) Shakespeare in the Gardens - Exeter Northcott Ben Crocker

Motel Chronicals (Sam) Theatre 503 Gemma Kerr

Twelfth Night (Sebastian) Shakespeare in the Gardens - Exeter Northcott Ben Crocker

Immortal (Frank 'Sprog' Campbell) Courtyard Theatre John Terry

Sleeping Beauty (Simon) New Wolsey Theatre Pete Rowe/Jane Karen Carter

Twelfth Night (Lord/Officer) Bristol Old Vic Company David Farr

Company (Bobby) B.O.V.T.S John Hartoch


Global Warming (Elisha) Matteo Marcolini

Dog (Short) (Scott) Jack Ryder

Spring in June (Alan) Through the Looking Glass productions David Wike

Shine (Adam) New Line Cinema Scott Hicks

Really Lost (Short) (Brown) Gauntlett and Son Henrik G. Dahle

The Joy of 8 Millilitres (Short) ( Henrik) Gauntlett and Son Henrik G. Dahle


The Crow Girl (Lance) Buccaneer / Paramount+ Charles Martin

War of the Worlds (Series 3) (David) Urban Myth Films Indra Siera

Around the World in Eighty Days (Robinson) BBC Charles Beeson

The White Princess (John De La Pool Jnr) Company Pictures Jamie Payne

The Spare Room (Workshop) (Vance) BAFTA/Rocliffe Chris Maw Brand

Criminal Justice (FME Sam Gerard) BBC Otto Bathurst

City of Vice (Oliver Oliphant) Touchpaper/Hardy & Sons/Channel 4 Dan Reed

Casualty ( Micky) BBC Television Alex Wareing

Junk (Jonny) BBC Marcus D.F. White

Northanger Abbey (Edward Moreland) BBC Giles Foster

Casualty (Paul Lippman) BBC Christopher Menaul


Sappho in Fragments (Larichus) BBC Radio 4 Mary Ward-Lowery

The Woodlanders BBC

The Archers (DS Jenkin) BBC Radio 4 Kate Oates

Breaking the Silence (Sasha) BBC Radio 4 Peter Leslie Wild

Blood in the Bridal Shop (Young Nick) BBC Radio 4 Peter Leslie Wild

Porshia (Ethan) Ear2Ear - BBC Radio 4 Graham Frost

Falco (Justinus) BBC Radio 4 Peter Leslie Wild

Last Call (Tim) BBC Radio 4 Mary Ward Lowery

Our Father Who Art in a Tree (Edward) BBC Radio 4 Jeremy Howe

Jefferson 37 (Jefferson 37) BBC Radio 4 Gilly Adams

Billy Mason from Gloucester (Billy Mason) BBC Radio 4 Gilly Adams

Le Grand Meaulnes (Francois Seurel) BBC Radio 4 Sara Davies

The Return of the Native (Christian Cantle) BBC Radio 4 Rosemary Watts

A Fine and Private Place (Frank) BBC Radio 4 Peter Leslie Wild