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Photograph: Willie Runte


Agent: Kirsten Wright

Eye Colour: Brown

Height: 6ft 2in

Play showreel
Pronoun Trouble


The Silent Twins Silent Twins Film Ltd Agnieszka Smoczynska

Seacole Historylies Ltd Charlie Stratton

The Limehouse Golem Number 9 Films Juan Carlos Medina


Miss You Already MYA Productions ltd Catherine Hardwicke

Malificent Briar Rose Productions Robert Stromberg

Three Musketeers Constantin Films/ Summit Paul W S Anderson

Swinging With the Finkels Swinging Film ltd Jonathan Newman

Casanova Disney Lasse Hallstrom

Piccadilly Jim Mission Films John McKay

Tooth Archangel Films Ed Nammour

Sorted Alexander Jovy

Whacked Jake West


Great Expectations Scott Free/Hardy and Sons Brady Hood

The Capture (series 2) HTVP Ltd James Kent

Becoming Elizabeth Forge Entertainment Justin Chadwick

The Queen's Gambit Isolated Pawn/Netflix Scott Frank

Holby City BBC Television Dermot Boyd

A Very English Scandal Blueprint Pictures/BBC 1 Stephen Frears

Taboo Scott Free/BBC1 Krystoffer Nyholm

Dr Thorne Hat Trick/ITV1 Niall Maccormick

Man Down Avalon/Channel 4

Badults Comedy Unit/BBC 3

The IT Crowd Talkback Thames Graham Linehan

Count Arthur Strong Fremantle Media Graham Linehan

Comedy Cuts (series 1 and II) ITV Productions Various

The IT Crowd Retort Graham Linehan

Top Ten Sci-Fi Channel 4

The Great Web Race Ideal World (pilot)

Time Gentlemen Please Sky One Richard Boden

Sky Rocket Sky One Christina Ericson

Consumo! Yorkshire TV (pilot)

On a Mission Princess TV (pilot) Drew Pierce

Consumo! Ginger TV (pilot) Gill Wilson

Off Limits Channel 4 Audrey Cooke

Big Science BBC2

Comedy Nation BBC2 Angie Dechastelie Smith

Planet Mirth ITV Andrew Macdonald

City Central BBC1

This Morning with Richard not Judy BBC2 Gareth Carrivick

Fist of Fun BBC2 Steve Bendelack

Friday Night Armistice BBC2 Dominic Brigstocke

Men Behaving Badly Hartswood/BBC Martin Dennis

Knowing Me, Knowing You BBC2 Dominic Brigstocke


Teachers TV Illumina Digtal

The Great Web Race Ideal World (pilot)

Consumo! Yorkshire TV (pilot)

Consumo! Ginger TV (pilot)

Solo Theatre - As Writer & Performer

Pronoun Trouble

All Pleasance Theatre, Edinburgh Fringe and Other Venues

Each Of Us Erica Whyman

Not Everything Is Significant Erica Whyman

Coelacanth Erica Whyman

Poppy Day Erica Whyman

Shortlisted for Granada Media Comedy Writing Award

My Last Week With Modolia Erica Whyman

Shortlisted for LWT Comedy Writing Award

A Supercollider For The Family Erica Whyman

Twelve Hamish McColl

Electricity: The Caged Pony Ed Smith

It Takes Forever If You Go By Inertia Ed Smith

Other Theatre

The Seagull Russell Bolam

Black Cocktail Erica Whyman

Three Wishes Erica Whyman

A Busy Day Jonathan Church

Professor Branestawm Toby Hulse

Oblomov Erica Whyman

The War of the Worlds Story Dave Green

Ra-Ra-Rasputin Toby Hulse

It Happened Tomorrow Toby Hulse

As You Like It Steven Fewell

How To Get Into University Without Really Trying

Twelfth Night Dom Hill

OUDS World Tour - Japan, Australia, USA

Radio (Writing And Acting/Presenting)

The Maltby Collection BBC Radio 4 Colin Anderson

Talking and Not Talking (Series 1 and 2) BBC Radio 4 Colin Anderson

Undone (3 series) BBC Radio 7 Colin Anderson

Coelacanth BBC Radio 4 Sally Avens

Voices From Vindolanda Lawrence Jackson

Three Wishes BBC Radio 4 Sally Avens

The 99p Challenge David Tyler

Quote Unquote BBC Radio 4 Carol Smith

Is There Anything You'd Like To Ask Us? Sally Avens

My Last Week With Modolia Sally Avens

The Great Swiss Donut Paul Arnold

The Armando Iannucci Show Sarah Smith

A Supercollider For The Family

The Entertainment Superhighway

Big Bang Sue Broome

Elastic Planet Jon Naismith