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Photograph: Yellowbelly


Agent: Chloe Brayfield

Training: Associated Studios

Eye Colour: Blue

Height: 5ft8


TV and Film

Apple TV Series Apple TV Ed Lilly

Breathtaking HTM/ITV Craig Viveiros

Stone Notebook Kickstarter Book Block Ed Lily

Hello Au Revoir Jason Croot Prods Jason Croot

Data-Protection Dan Allen Filmmaker Daniel Allen

Maltese: The Mafia Detective Channel 4, Found Studio Mike Sharpe

Sing: Ultimate Acapella Sky One


Michelle And Little Fish (Michelle) Ink Festival Paul Schlesinger

Who Needs Stephen King? (Jude) Rob Jarvis

Shuggafix Vs The Illuminati (Conspiracy Theorist Emma) Guttersnipe Theatre Ginger Johnson

Michelle And Little Fish (Michelle) Ink Festival Paul Schlesinger

Richard Curtis' Another Suitcase (Barbara) Ink Festival Julia Sowerbutts

Shappi Khorsandi's - Nina's Not Ok (Nina) Ink Festival Jane Zarins

After Prospero (Ariel) Ink Festival Peter Kavanagh

Taxidermicon (Genevieve) Gardyloo Theatre, Swindon Fringe Lewis Garvey

Attic By Libby Purves (Leo) Ink Festival

White Girls (Leah) Ink Festival Peter Broad

The Accrington Pals (Bertha) Jonathan Rea

Taxidermicon (Genevieve) Waterloo East Theatre

5,6,7,8 A Steps Musical (Caz) West Avenue Productions, Upstairs At The Gatehouse Shaun Kitchener

Into The Woods (The Witch) Associated Studios Che Walker

Steam (Amber) INK Festival James McDermott

Changes (Helen) Velvet Trumpet, Southwark Playhouse Edward Jones

9 To 5 (Maria) Devonshire Park Theatre Kevin Smith

The Little Shop Of Horrors (Chiffon) Robert Ellis

The Real Inspector Hound (Mrs Drudge) GardyLoo Theatre Company Lewis Garvey

A Matter Of Life And Death (June) Sanderlings Theatre Company Julia Sowerbutts

Phillipa And Will Are Now In A Realtionship by Jon Brittain (Phillipa) Anthony Cule


A Promise To My Friends East Suffolk One

A Promise To My Friends BBC Radio Suffolk

The Ordinary House Ragged Foils Natalie Winter